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  • 公司如何用英语“自我介绍”

        在商务活动中,我们常遇到要向客户介绍公司和业务的情况,那么,如何得体的向客户做公司的自我介绍呢?来看看下面的例子吧。(公司的介绍) We have...

  • 职场感谢语大全

        Thanks a million. I really appreciate it. 万分感谢,真的是帮了我大忙啦。 I really appreciate what youve done for me these days. 我真的很感...

  • 白领必看:外企生存十大英语关键词

        1、Performance (n.) 业绩、表现 His performance this month has been less than satisfactory. 他这个月的业绩不是很令人满意。 2、Performance E...

  • 用英语发牢骚 ?你也可以


  • 关于雇用和解雇的英语词汇

        雇用和解雇的词汇 Hiring Process by which a company assesses qualified individuals to fill openings in the company. 雇用 公司评估并选出符合...

  • 面见客户时的实用英语

        会话场景 接机后的次日,Brian在公司里,为Johnathan 介绍自己的老板-Mr. Sun。 B: Mr. Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr. Johnathan Mitchell, sales...

  • 对话:办公室午餐时间

        Michael: The boss has an errand for you. Billy: What is my task, sir? Michael: Scope out the city's shopping malls and find out the best d...

  • 要求加薪

        You've worked long and hard at your job, and it's about time you saw some financial rewards for it. How to ask for a raise: Aside from com...

  • 对话:工作中犯了错

        At some time in everyone's business career, they will make a mistake (or two). Some mistakes are small and can be easily fixed, while othe...

  • 办公室如何用英语称呼对方

        Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should f...

  • 对话:职业健康和安全

        Before Occupational Health and Safety laws, most companies paid little attention to the health and safety of their staff. The laws punish ...

  • 办公室英语术语常识

        部门名称 1.Personnel Department 人事部 2.Human Resource Department 人力资源部 3.Sales Department 营销部 4.Product Development Department ...

  • 你知道该怎么辞职吗

        In many cases, when you turn in your resignation, you're done. Some companies expect you to give two weeks notice, others will want you ou...

  • 英文申请加薪范文

        我们之前讲过如何要求加薪,但是对许多人来说,怎样写好要求加薪的申请是个大难题。下面给大家提供一个例文,希望能对您有所启发。 I'm grateful fo...

  • 办公室常用四词短句

        Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊? Back in a moment! 马上回来! Come to the point! 有话直说! Do I have to? 我一定要做吗? Don't count on ...

  • 办公室英语自学成才大法


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