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A Real Superman(双语)

来源::未知 | 作者:188比分直播_篮球即时比分-体育|在线 | 本文已影响

他曾是演员、明星、超人、英雄,是儿子、丈夫、父亲、朋友,52岁的“超人”因心力衰竭在纽约去世,永远地闭上了眼睛。他得到了世界各地的人们的尊敬,不仅仅因为所扮演的角色而受到尊敬,而是因为他把“超人”的毅力和勇气带到了自己的生命中,在银幕外诠释了“超人” 的意义,让我们记住他的名字:克里斯托夫·里夫!

 He was "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound." He was the world’s greatest superhero. When Christopher Reeve was picked to play this role in films in 1977, audiences across the country cheered with approval. Like Superman, Christopher was dashing, handsome, and strong. Like Superman, he seemed nearly invincible. He skied, sailed, flew planes, went scuba diving, rode horses, played tennis——and did it all with skill and ease. No one could imagine Christopher Reeve any other way. 

1995年5月27日,一切都改变了。当时克里斯托弗和妻子达纳·莫罗西尼带着年幼的儿子威尔住在弗吉尼亚州。他参加了一项为期三天的马术比赛。他的坐骑“东方快车” 看上去状态颇佳。42岁的克里斯托弗也显得同样神采奕奕,气定神闲。
All that changed on May 27, 1995. Christopher was in Virginia with his wife, Dana Morosini, and their young son, Will. He had entered a three-day horse riding competition there. His horse, Eastern Express, appeared to be in fine shape. The 42-year-old Christopher looked equally fit and relaxed.
对克里斯托弗而言,比赛进行得很顺利,虽没有名列前茅,但也没有落到最后。但在一场两英里的障碍赛中,第三次跨越障碍时,马和骑手之间不知怎么失去了默契。 “东方快车”突然停了下来,可是克里斯托弗还在继续前行,他身子飞过马的头顶,头部着地摔了下来:一动不动,甚至没有呼吸。
The competition was going well for Christopher. He wasn't in the first place, but he wasn't in the last, either. On his third obstacle in a two-mile jumping event, however, the communication between horse and rider broke down somehow. Without warning, Eastern Express stopped short, but Christopher kept going. He pitched forward over the horse's head, landing on his own head——not moving, not even breathing. 

Christopher had broken his spinal cord near the base of his skull, resulting in paralysis from the neck down. He could not speak. He could not even breathe on his own. At the time, doctors gave him only a 50-50 chance of surviving at all.
Despair filled Christopher Reeve's heart. He thought perhaps it would be best if he simply gave up. Dying seemed like the easiest and least painful thing to do. He thought it might be best for his family, too. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you."
From that moment on, Christopher thought only about living. Gathering his courage, he began to fight for his life. A few days later, Christopher underwent an operation that helped restore some feeling to his upper body. Still, doctors emphasized his limitations. He would never walk again. He would never even breathe again without the aid of a respirator. 

Christopher set out to prove the doctors wrong. First of all, he wanted to breathe on his own. Five months after the accident, he asked to be taken off the respirator. He managed just 10 feeble breaths before being reconnected to the breathing tube. Refusing to be discouraged, Christopher took a few more breaths the next day. By the fourth day, he was able to breathe seven minutes without assistance. After three months, he could sustain himself for 90 minutes at a time. By the end of 1995, he was able to go home. 

Soon after that, Christopher felt ready to face the world again. He had a message to spread. He wanted to tell people that no matter what challenges they faced, they shouldn't give up. Christopher began to make public appearances. He gave a motivational speech in Toronto. He spoke at a Boston University graduation. Wherever Christopher appeared, his speeches met with standing ovations and many teary faces.
Christopher also went back to work. Clearly he couldn't play the roles he'd played in the past. Instead he turned to directing. His first film, In the Gloaming, proved he had not lost his creative spark.
Despite his brave attitude, Christopher has had his share of "down" times. In the year following his accident, he had problems with blood clots. Later, he developed pneumonia. One day while doing physical therapy, he fell to the floor and broke his arm.  
Every day he struggled with the reality of his condition. "In the morning, I need 20 minutes to cry," he told a reporter. After nighttime dreams of running and playing with his son, he needed the 20 minutes "to wake up and make that shift..."

但擦干眼泪后,克里斯托弗总会悄声说:“好了,前进!” 这些话证明,尽管他无法控制自己的身体,但仍拥有他的勇气,他的精神,他的内在力量。在这个意义上,他依旧是,也将永远是超人!But after the tears, Christopher always whispered, "And now, forward!" With those words, Christopher Reeve proved that although he had lost control of his body, he still had his courage, his spirit, and his inner strength. In that sense, he still was,and always would be Superman!    

